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Was Your Injury, Ultimately, Caused By The City?

It is not uncommon for an accident to occur that can ultimately be traced back to the negligence or inattention of city workers or officials. If you or a loved one was injured and cannot readily identify the liable party, it is in your best interests to discuss the matter with an experienced personal injury attorney.

Through a free personal injury consultation, COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C., can take steps to set your claim in motion. We have extensive experience identifying at-fault parties and representing injured people in a broad range of types of accidents.

If a municipality — city, town or village — has liability in your accident, it can come from any type of circumstance, including:

  • Motor vehicle accidents: If the collision was caused by a police car, fire truck, ambulance, sanitation truck or other government vehicle, there might be municipal liability.
  • Premises liability: If you tripped over a cracked sidewalk, slipped on ice and/or snow, or were injured in an accident due to poor lighting or broken stairs, you might be entitled to recover monetary damages.
  • Medical malpractice: If you were mistreated (miss diagnosed, subject to surgical errors or subject to medication errors) at a city-owned hospital or health care facility, we can explore your legal options through a municipal liability case.

If you were injured in Queens or anywhere else in the city, it is wise to act quickly. New York has very strict statutes of limitations; your notice of claim must be filed within 90 days of the accident. Call or email our firm to learn more about your rights and get an experienced attorney on your side.