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Malnutrition & Dehydration

When a person doesn’t get enough to eat, and therefore lacks important vitamins and nutrients, this is known as malnutrition. If a person doesn’t get enough fluid intake, this is known as dehydration. In a nursing home setting, where aides and other staff are responsible for ensuring that residents receive proper nutrition and hydration, a failure to provide for their residents would be considered negligent at best and abusive at worst. If you believe a loved one is suffering from malnutrition or dehydration, speak to a personal injury lawyer with experience representing patients who have been injured in nursing home settings. In Forest Hills, Queens, and throughout the New York City area, call COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C., at 718-275-7779 or get in touch by using our online form.

The Causes and Effects of Dehydration and Malnutrition

Malnutrition and dehydration can cause residents to become underweight, and can lead to additional related health problems, including tooth decay, bone fractures, low blood pressure and anemia. In severe cases, malnutrition and dehydration could even lead to death within the very institutions where attentive medical care is supposed to be provided.

Nursing home residents may be particularly at risk for dehydration and malnutrition to begin with for various reasons, including the use of certain medications, and cognitive problems like depression that can already predispose people to weight loss. Additional factors like poor dental health or a lack of food choices can also contribute to residents not getting enough food or drink. For these reasons, it is particularly important that nursing home staff carefully monitor and provide for adequate intake of food and fluids. When they fail to do so, whether because of inadequate staffing, high turnover or other reasons, they put residents at risk. This neglect, or even abuse, can contribute to severe harm for which compensation may be available.

Your Loved Ones Deserve Better

If you suspect that a loved one in a nursing home may be suffering from abuse or neglect in the Queens area, call our office at 718-275-7779 or send us an email to start a discussion with an attorney about the possibility of starting an investigation.