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Spinal Cord Injuries Caused by NYC Motor Vehicle Accidents

On Behalf of | Apr 10, 2020 | Car Accidents, Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury, Spinal Cord Injuries

Queens Car Accident Lawyers Explain Spinal Cord Injuries Caused by NYC Motor Vehicle Accidents

There are many different types of personal injuries that may be caused in motor vehicle accidents.  One of the most debilitating types of personal injuries is a spinal cord injury, or SCI.  A spinal cord injury is the leading cause of paralysis in the United States, recently overtaking strokes as the most common cause and above multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy.  The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistics Center (NSCISC) provides that there are approximately 17,730 new spinal cord injuries each year in the United States with motor vehicle accidents being the most common cause.  Our Queens car accident lawyers know how common this type of catastrophic injury can be because we handle spinal cord injuries caused by NYC motor vehicle accidents.

Here at COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. , we have devoted our practice to helping those who have been catastrophically injured due to the negligence of another person, business, or government agency.  We know how frustrating it can be when the reckless or careless acts of another person result in serious personal injuries to an innocent victim.  Our Queens car accident lawyers handle spinal cord injuries caused by NYC motor vehicle accidents and fight hard to collect compensation for victims.  If you or a loved one suffered a catastrophic injury such as a spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis, ask how we can begin to protect your rights today in a FREE consultation with our injury law firm.

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

There are two general types of spinal cord injuries caused by NYC motor vehicle accidents.  Each type dictates the level of disability.  The first type is an incomplete SCI which is when the spinal cord takes some damage and is partially separated, but it is not totally severed.  This means that the spinal cord may still be able to send and receive messages up and down it from the brain to the rest of the body below the injury.  Some victims with this type of disability may have some continued sensation and ability to move, albeit the functions will be reduced.

The second type is a complete SCI which is when the spinal cord takes severe enough damage that it results in a complete and total severance of the spinal cord.  This means that there are no messages being sent between the brain and the rest of the body below the point of injury (severance).  It is exceedingly rare for a victim to regain any function below this type of spinal cord injury, as such recovery is usually based on experimental procedures or exceptional circumstances.  Generally speaking, a complete severance of the spinal cord is permanently altering the functioning of a person’s body.

Two Types of Paralysis

There are two common types of paralysis resulting from spinal cord injuries caused by NYC motor vehicle accidents.  They are paraplegia and quadriplegia, and each could be incomplete or complete.  Paraplegia is where the damage to the spinal cord is lower on the back and results in paralysis of the legs and lower torso.  Quadriplegia is where the damage to the spinal cord is higher on the back and usually in the neck which affects all four limbs and most of the toros, sometimes the entire body.

The NSCISC reports the following prevalence of each type:

  • Complete quadriplegia: 12.3% of all cases
  • Complete paraplegia: 19.6% of all cases
  • Incomplete quadriplegia: 47.6% of all cases
  • Incomplete paraplegia: 19.9% of all cases

Injured in a NYC Motor Vehicle Accident?  Ask Our Queens Car Accident Lawyers for Help

Victims who have suffered spinal cord injuries caused by NYC motor vehicle accidents should ask our Queens car accident lawyers for help.  We do not charge upfront to begin representing you because we accept cases on a contingency fee basis which means we do not get paid until you get paid.  Learn more about how our experienced legal team at COHEN & COHEN PERSONAL INJURY LAWYERS, P.C. can help protect your rights to compensation by calling 800-247-8164 for a FREE case evaluation or use our convenient and easy-to-use contact us box available here.

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